Rancho Bernardo
Neighborhood Watch

Photo by: Nina Haines
Photo by: Vincent "2 Guns"Cobb
San Diego Sheriff and CHP

If you have an emergency, Dial 9-1-1
Examples of 911 Emergencies, click here
Reporting Non-Emergencies, click here
San Diego Police Department’s Northeastern Division
Serves a population of 234,394 people and encompasses 103.8 square miles.
Address: 3396 Salmon River Road, San Diego, CA 92129
Phone: (858) 538-8000 -- TTY: (858) 538-8093
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Please call prior to your visit to verify when the Front Counter Officer is available for your specific request
Email: sdpdnortheastern@pd.sandiego.gov
This Division offers the following services to Rancho Bernardo residents
To request services, please contact sdpdnortheastern@pd.sandiego.gov
Vacation House Checks
Police volunteers can conduct a security check on your home while you are on vacation. Vacation Check Form. (must be completed and returned to Northeastern Division or Rancho Bernardo’s RSVP Office on the 2nd floor of the RB Library)
You Are Not Alone "YANA" Checks
If you know someone who is elderly or disabled and also alone, police volunteers can stop by and check on these people regularly.